Wednesday, June 5, 2013

1306.0483 (Luc Lajaunie et al.)

Evidence of a strong anisotropic influence of local-field effects on the
dielectric response of α-MoO3

Luc Lajaunie, Florent Boucher, Rémi Dessapt, Philippe Moreau
Dielectric properties of {\alpha}-MoO3 are investigated by a combination of valence electron-energy loss spectroscopy and ab initio calculation at the random phase approximation level with the inclusion of local-field effects (LFE). A meticulous comparison between experimental and calculated spectra is performed in order to interpret calculated dielectric properties. Taking into account LFE is shown to be essential to describe properly the intensity and position of the Mo-N2,3 edges as well as the low energy part of the spectrum. A detailed study of the energy-loss function in connection with the dielectric response function also shows that the strong anisotropy of the energy-loss function of {\alpha}-MoO3 is driven by an anisotropic influence of LFE. These LFE significantly dampen a large peak in {\epsilon}2, but only along the [010] direction. Thanks to a detailed analysis at specific k-points of the orbitals involved in this transition, the origin of this peak has not only been evidenced but a connection between the inhomogeneity of the electron density and the anisotropic influence of local-field effects has also been established. In addition to give new insight on the dielectric properties of {\alpha}-MoO3, these results suggest a way to finely tune the dielectric response of layered materials.
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