Monday, September 17, 2012

1209.3038 (Torbjörn Björkman)

A van der Waals density functional for solids    [PDF]

Torbjörn Björkman

1209.3057 (Oscar Granas et al.)

Systematic study of the hidden order in URu$_{2}$Si$_{2}$ as a
multipolar order; the role of triakontadipoles

Oscar Granas, Francesco Cricchio, Lars Nordstrom

1209.3090 (Haifei Zhan et al.)

Beat Phenomena in Metal Nanowires, and their Implications for
Resonance-Based Elastic Property Measurements

Haifei Zhan, Yuantong Gu, Harold S. Park

1209.3108 (A. R. Cholach et al.)

The general traits of inelastic electron scattering by the adsorbed

A. R. Cholach, V. M. Tapilin

1209.3111 (Regine Frank et al.)

Photonic transport explains the confinement of random laser modes    [PDF]

Regine Frank, Janos Sartor, Heinz Kalt

1209.3140 (Albert P. Bartók et al.)

On representing chemical environments    [PDF]

Albert P. Bartók, Risi Kondor, Gábor Csányi

1209.3159 (Eli T. Owens et al.)

Acoustic measurement of a granular density of modes    [PDF]

Eli T. Owens, Karen E. Daniels

1209.3162 (Hajime Ishikawa et al.)

A novel crystal polymorph of volborthite, Cu3V2O7(OH)2 2H2O    [PDF]

Hajime Ishikawa, Jun-ichi Yamaura, Yoshihiko Okamoto, Hiroyuki Yoshida, Gøran J. Nilsen, Zenji Hiroi

1209.3175 (A. Latz et al.)

Three dimensional self-learning kinetic Monte Carlo model: Application
to Ag(111)

A. Latz, L. Brendel, D. E. Wolf

1209.3191 (Maria Stoica et al.)

Electrical transport properties of Co-based skutterudites filled with Ag
and Au

Maria Stoica, Cynthia S. Lo

1209.3195 (J. Even et al.)

An electronic model for self-assembled hybrid organic/perovskite
semiconductors: reverse band edge electronic states ordering and spin-orbit

J. Even, L. Pedesseau, M. -A. Dupertuis, J. -M. Jancu, C. Katan

1209.3227 (J. Sinsheimer et al.)

Engineering polarization rotation in a ferroelectric superlattice    [PDF]

J. Sinsheimer, S. J. Callori, B. Bein, Y. Benkara, J. Daley, J. Coraor, D. Su, P. W. Stephens, M. Dawber

1209.3232 (K. H. Michel et al.)

Theory of elastic anomalies at the gamma--alpha phase transition in
solid Ce

K. H. Michel, A. V. Nikolaev

1209.3235 (Wlodek Zawadzki)

Electron dynamics in crystalline semiconductors    [PDF]

Wlodek Zawadzki

1209.3237 (Gregory W. Holloway et al.)

Trapped charge dynamics in InAs nanowires    [PDF]

Gregory W. Holloway, Yipu Song, Chris M. Haapamaki, Ray R. LaPierre, Jonathan Baugh

1209.3255 (B. S. Nugroho et al.)

Bistable optical response of nanoparticle heterodimer: Mechanism, phase
diagram, and switching time

B. S. Nugroho, A. A. Iskandar, V. A. Malyshev, J. Knoester

1209.3258 (Vinod K. Sangwan et al.)

Fundamental Performance Limits of Carbon Nanotube Thin-Film Transistors
Achieved Using Hybrid Molecular Dielectrics

Vinod K. Sangwan, Rocio Ponce Ortiz, Justice M. P. Alaboson, Jonathan D. Emery, Michael J. Bedzyk, Lincoln J. Lauhon, Tobin J. Marks, Mark C. Hersam

1209.3284 (M. Nicklas et al.)

Charge-Doping driven Evolution of Magnetism and non-Fermi-Liquid
Behavior in the Filled Skutterudite CePt4Ge12-xSbx

M. Nicklas, S. Kirchner, R. Borth, R. Gumeniuk, W. Schnelle, H. Rosner, H. Borrmann, A. Leithe-Jasper, Yu. Grin, F. Steglich

1209.3293 (Wenbin Wang et al.)

Room-temperature coexistence of magnetic order and ferroelectricity in
single crystal hexagonal LuFeO3 films

Wenbin Wang, Jun Zhao, Zheng Gai, Nina Balke, Miaofang Chi, Ho Nyung Lee, Wei Tian, Leyi Zhu, Xuemei Cheng, David J. Keavney, Jieyu Yi, Thomas Z. Ward, Paul C. Snijders, Hans M. Christen, Jian Shen, Xiaoshan Xu