Friday, July 27, 2012

1201.2359 (O. Roslyak et al.)

Plasmons in single- and double-component helical liquids: Application to
two-dimensional topological insulators

O. Roslyak, Godfrey Gumbs, D. H. Huang

1207.6122 (James Hooper et al.)

Lithium Subhydrides Under Pressure and their Superatom-Like Building

James Hooper, Eva Zurek

1207.6135 (P. L. Krapivsky)

Reaction-Diffusion Processes with Nonlinear Diffusion    [PDF]

P. L. Krapivsky

1207.6139 (M. Azeem et al.)

Optical Response of DyN    [PDF]

M. Azeem, B. J. Ruck, Binh Do Le, H. Warring, N. M. Strickland, A. Koo, V. Goian, S. Kamba, H. J. Trodahl

1207.6181 (Kouta Mori et al.)

Corrugated flat band as an origin of large thermopower in hole doped

Kouta Mori, Hidetomo Usui, Hirofumi Sakakibara, Kazuhiko Kuroki

1207.6213 (Barbara Pavan et al.)

First Principles NMR Study of Fluorapatite under Pressure    [PDF]

Barbara Pavan, Davide Ceresoli, Mary M. J. Tecklenburg, Marco Fornari

1207.6238 (M. V. Avramenko et al.)

Symmetry of the carbon nanotube modes and their origin from the phonon
branches of graphene

M. V. Avramenko, S. B. Rochal, Yu. I. Yuzyuk

1207.6259 (Kuljit S. Virk et al.)

Effects of the interfacial polarization on tunneling in surface coupled
quantum dots

Kuljit S. Virk, David R. Reichman, Mark S. Hybertsen

1207.6277 (Zhe Yuan et al.)

Spin-orbit-coupling induced domain-wall resistance in diffusive

Zhe Yuan, Yi Liu, Anton A. Starikov, Paul J. Kelly, Arne Brataas

1207.6297 (A. V. Vagov et al.)

Two-band superconductors: Extended Ginzburg-Landau formalism by a
systematic expansion in small deviation from the critical temperature

A. V. Vagov, A. A. Shanenko, M. V. Milošević, V. M. Axt, F. M. Peeters

1207.6335 (E. N. Voloshina et al.)

Graphene on metallic surfaces: problems and perspectives    [PDF]

E. N. Voloshina, Yu. S. Dedkov

1207.6342 (Juliana M. Morbec et al.)

Magnetic and electronic properties of SiC nanoribbons: role of defects    [PDF]

Juliana M. Morbec, Gul Rahman

1207.6364 (P. Giura et al.)

Temperature evolution of infrared- and Raman-active phonons in graphite    [PDF]

P. Giura, N. Bonini, G. Creff, J. B. Brubach, P. Roy, M. Lazzeri