Wednesday, March 7, 2012

1108.0385 (Arne Brataas et al.)

Spin Pumping and Spin Transfer    [PDF]

Arne Brataas, Yaroslav Tserkovnyak, Gerrit E. W. Bauer, Paul J. Kelly

1110.4097 (Zhengping Jiang et al.)

Effects of Interface Disorder on Valley Splitting in SiGe/Si/SiGe
Quantum Wells

Zhengping Jiang, Neerav Kharche, Timothy Boykin, Gerhard Klimeck

1203.1106 (K. Ozdogan et al.)

Robustness and stability of half-metallic ferromagnetism in
alkaline-earth metal mononitrides against doping and deformation

K. Ozdogan, E. Sasioglu, I. Galanakis

1203.1142 (L. Kilanski et al.)

Intrinsic defects and ferromagnetic coupling in irradiated GaN layers    [PDF]

L. Kilanski, F. Tuomisto, R. Szymczak, R. Kruszka

1203.1167 (M. Castro et al.)

Solid flow drives surface nanopatterning by ion-beam irradiation    [PDF]

M. Castro, R. Gago, L. Vázquez, J. Muñoz-García, R. Cuerno

1203.1201 (F. Schrettle et al.)

Wüstite: Electric, thermodynamic and optical properties of FeO    [PDF]

F. Schrettle, Ch. Kant, P. Lunkenheimer, F. Mayr, J. Deisenhofer, A. Loidl

1203.1216 (M. J. M. Pathak et al.)

Effects on Amorphous Silicon Photovoltaic Performance from
High-temperature Annealing Pulses in Photovoltaic Thermal Hybrid Devices

M. J. M. Pathak, J. M. Pearce, S. J. Harrison

1203.1234 (L. Scholtès et al.)

Discrete modelling of capillary mechanisms in multi-phase granular media    [PDF]

L. Scholtès, B. Chareyre F. Nicot, F. Darve

1203.1306 (J. N. Gonçalves et al.)

Ab-initio study of the relation between electric polarization and
electric field gradients in ferroelectrics

J. N. Gonçalves, A. Stroppa, J. G. Correia, T. Butz, S. Picozzi, A. S. Fenta, V. S. Amaral