Thursday, March 7, 2013

1303.1422 (Alan I. Goldman et al.)

i-R-Cd (R = Gd - Tm, Y): A new family of binary magnetic icosahedral

Alan I. Goldman, Tai Kong, Andreas Kreyssig, Anton Jesche, Mehmet Ramazanoglu, Kevin W. Dennis, Sergey L. Bud'ko, Paul C. Canfield
"Seek and ye shall find, the unsought shall go undetected." This adage, attributed to Aristophanes' can be considered one of the defining mantras of new materials research; if you don't look, you certainly will not discover. As a result of our recent discovery of the binary quasicrystalline phase i-Sc12Zn88 we proposed that there may well be other binary quasicrystalline phases lurking nearby known crystalline approximants, perhaps as peritectally forming compounds with very limited liquidus surfaces, offering greatly reduced ranges of composition/temperature for primary solidification. Here we report that, as the adage goes, we have found. Indeed, adjacent to the RCd6, cubic approximate structure, we have discovered the long sought after model system for magnetic quasicrystals: a new family of at least seven rare earth icosahedral quasicrystals: i-R-Cd for R = Gd - Tm, Y, six of which now form the known set of moment bearing, binary quasicrystals.
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