Tuesday, July 17, 2012

1207.3697 (Emil Melander et al.)

Influence of the magnetic field on the plasmonic properties of
transparent Ni anti-dot arrays

Emil Melander, Erik Östman, Janine Keller, Jan Schmidt, Evangelos Th. Papaioannou, Vassilios Kapaklis, Unnar B. Arnalds, B. Caballero, A. García-Martín, J. C. Cuevas, Björgvin Hjörvarsson
Extraordinary optical transmission is observed due to the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) in 2-Dimensional hexagonal anti-dot patterns of pure Ni thin films, grown on sapphire substrates. A strong enhancement of the polar Kerr rotation is recorded at the surface plasmon related transmission maximum. Angular resolved reflectivity measurements under an applied field, reveal an enhancement and a shift of the normalized reflectivity difference upon reversal of the magnetic saturation (transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect-TMOKE). The change of the TMOKE signal clearly shows the magnetic field modulation of the dispersion relation of SPPs launched in a 2D patterned ferromagnetic Ni film.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1207.3697

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