Thursday, June 21, 2012

1206.4457 (Pawel Pfeffer et al.)

Spatial control of electron spins by electric and magnetic fields in
double quantum wells

Pawel Pfeffer, Wlodek Zawadzki
A system of two quantum wells (QW), one made of HgCdTe and the other of HgCdMnTe, subjected to electric and magnetic fields $F$ and $B$ parallel to the growth direction, is proposed and described theoretically. It is shown that in such a system the spin $g$ factor of mobile electrons strongly depends on the sign and magnitude of electric field. Adjusting $F$ at a constant $B$ one can transfer almost all electrons into one or the other QW and polarize their spins along the desired orientation. Changing $B$ at a constant $F$ can produce a similar transfer and polarization effect. Possible applications of the spatial reservoirs filled with spin-polarized electrons are discussed.
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