Thursday, December 13, 2012

1212.2942 (Kevin F. Garrity et al.)

Chern insulators from heavy atoms on magnetic substrates    [PDF]

Kevin F. Garrity, David Vanderbilt
We propose searching for Chern insulators by depositing atomic layers of elements with large spin-orbit coupling (e.g., Bi) on the surface of a magnetic insulator. We argue that such systems will typically have isolated surface bands with non-zero Chern numbers. If these overlap in energy, a metallic surface with large anomalous Hall conductivity (AHC) will result; if not, a Chern-insulator state will typically occur. Thus, our search strategy reduces to looking for examples having the Fermi level in a global gap extending across the entire Brillouin zone. We verify this search strategy and identify several candidate systems by using first-principles calculations to compute the Chern number and AHC of a large number of such systems on MnTe, MnSe, and EuS surfaces. Our search reveals several promising Chern insulators with gaps of up to 140\,meV.
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