Wednesday, June 20, 2012

1206.4147 (Hui Chen et al.)

Charge Density Wave Instability and Soft Phonon in $A$Pt$_3$P ($A$=Ca,
Sr, and La)

Hui Chen, Xiaofeng Xu, Chao Cao, Jianhui Dai
The electronic and phonon properties of the platinum pnictide superconductors $A$Pt$_3$P ($A$=Ca, Sr, and La) were studied using first-principles calculations. The spin-orbit coupling effect is significant in LaPt$_3$P but negligible in CaPt$_3$P and SrPt$_3$P, although they all share the same anti-pevroskite structure. Moreover, SrPt$_3$P has been demonstrated to exhibit an unexpected weak charge-density-wave(CDW) instability which is neither simply related to the Fermi-surface nesting nor to the momentum-dependent electron-phonon coupling alone. The instability is absent in CaPt$_3$P and can be quickly suppressed by the external pressure, accompanied with gradual decreases in the phonon softening and BCS $T_c$. Our results suggest SrPt$_3$P as a rare example where superconductivity is enhanced by the CDW fluctuations.
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