Thursday, June 14, 2012

1206.2874 (Xiaoli Wang et al.)

High pressures make Hg a transition metal in a thermodynamically stable

Xiaoli Wang, Haiqing Lin, Yanming Ma, Mao-Sheng Miao
The appropriateness of including Hg among the transition metals has been debated for a long time. Although the synthesis of HgF$_{4}$ molecules in gas phase was reported before, the molecules show strong instabilities and dissociate. Therefore, the transition metal propensity of Hg remains an open question. Here, we propose that high pressure provides a controllable method for preparing unusual oxidation states of matter. Using an advanced structure search method based on first-principles electronic structure calculations, we predict that under high pressures, Hg can transfer the electrons in its outmost $d$ shell to F atoms, thereby acting as a transition metal. Oxidation of Hg to the +4 state yielded thermodynamically stable molecular crystals consisting of HgF$_{4}$ planar molecules, a typical geometry for $d^{8}$ metal centers.
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