Friday, April 19, 2013

1304.5000 (Phillip T. Barton et al.)

Magnetostructural transition, metamagnetism, and magnetic phase
coexistence in Co10Ge3O16

Phillip T. Barton, Ram Seshadri, Anna Llobet, Matthew R. Suchomel
Co10Ge3O16 crystallizes in an intergrowth structure featuring alternating layers of spinel and rock salt. Variable-temperature powder synchrotron X-ray and neutron diffraction, magnetometry, and heat capacity experiments reveal a magnetostructural transition at T_N = 203 K. This rhombohedral-to-monoclinic transition involves a slight elongation of the CoO6 octahedra along the apical axis. Below T_N, the application of a large magnetic field causes a reorientation of the Co^2+ Ising spins. This metamagnetic transition is first-order as evidenced by a latent heat observed in temperature-dependent measurements. This transition is initially seen at T = 180 K as a broad upturn in the M-H near H_C = 3.9 T. The upturn sharpens into a kink at T = 120 K and a "butterfly" shape emerges, with the transition causing hysteresis at high fields while linear and reversible behavior persists at low fields. H_C decreases as temperature is lowered and the loops at positive and negative fields merge beneath T = 20 K. The antiferromagnetism is described by k_M = (00 1/2) and below T = 20 K a small uncompensated component with k_M = (000) spontaneously emerges. Despite the Curie-Weiss analysis and ionic radius indicating the Co2+ is in its high-spin state, the low-temperature M-H trends toward saturation at M_S = 1.0 uB/Co. We conclude that the field-induced state is a ferrimagnet, rather than a S = 1/2 ferromagnet. The unusual H-T phase diagram is discussed with reference to other metamagnets and Co(II) systems.
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