Tuesday, April 9, 2013

1304.2213 (Mrigank Sharad et al.)

Spintronic Switches for Ultra Low Energy On-Chip and Inter-Chip
Current-Mode Interconnects

Mrigank Sharad, Kaushik Roy
Energy-efficiency and design-complexity of high-speed on-chip and inter-chip data-interconnects has emerged as the major bottleneck for high-performance computing-systems. As a solution, we propose an ultra-low energy interconnect design-scheme using nano-scale spintorque switches. In the proposed method, data is transmitted in the form of current-pulses, with amplitude of the order of few micro-amperes that flows across a small terminal-voltage of less than 50mV. Sub-nanosecond spintorque switching of scaled nano-magnets can be used to receive and convert such high-speed current-mode signal into binary voltage-levels using magnetic-tunnel-junction (MTJ), with the help of simple CMOS inverter. As a result of low-voltage, low-current signaling and minimal signalconversion overhead, the proposed technique can facilitate highly compact and simplified designs for multi-gigahertz inter-chip and on-chip data-communication links. Such links can achieve more than ~100x higher energy-efficiency, as compared to state of the art CMOS interconnects.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1304.2213

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