Tuesday, December 18, 2012

1212.4009 (Liviu Hozoi et al.)

Topological states in pyrochlore iridates: long-range anisotropy
strongly competing with spin-orbit interaction

Liviu Hozoi, H. Gretarsson, J. P. Clancy, B. -G. Jeon, B. Lee, K. H. Kim, V. Yushankhai, Peter Fulde, Young-June Kim, Jeroen van den Brink
In the search for topological phases in correlated electron systems, iridium-based pyrochlores A2Ir2O7 -- materials with 5d transition-metal ions -- provide fertile grounds. Several novel topological states have been predicted but the actual realization of such states is believed to critically depend on the strength of local potentials arising from distortions of IrO6-cages. We test this hypothesis by measuring with resonant x-ray scattering the electronic level splittings in the A= Y, Eu systems, which we show to agree very well with ab initio electronic structure calculations. We find, however, that not distortions of IrO6-octahedra are the primary source for quenching the spin-orbit interaction, but strong long-range lattice anisotropies, which inevitably break the local cubic symmetry and will thereby be decisive in determining the system's topological ground state.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1212.4009

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