Monday, October 8, 2012

1106.3160 (Christophe Krzeminski et al.)

Silicon dry oxidation kinetics at low temperature in the nanometric
range: Modeling and experiment

Christophe Krzeminski, Guilhem Larrieu, Julien Penaud, Evelyne Lampin, Emmanuel Dubois
Kinetics of silicon dry oxidation are investigated theoretically and experimentally at low temperature in the nanometer range where the limits of the Deal and Grove model becomes critical. Based on a fine control of the oxidation process conditions, experiments allow the investigation of the growth kinetics of nanometric oxide layer. The theoretical model is formulated using a reaction rate approach. In this framework, the oxide thickness is estimated with the evolution of the various species during the reaction. Standard oxidation models and the reaction rate approach are confronted with these experiments. The interest of the reaction rate approach to improve silicon oxidation modeling in the nanometer range is clearly demonstrated.
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