Friday, September 14, 2012

1209.2986 (V. O. Garlea et al.)

Structural and magnetic properties of the new cobaltate series

V. O. Garlea, R. Jin, E. Garlea, G. Ehlers, E. Mamontov, D. B. Myers, F. Xie, R. Custelcean
We report the structural and magnetic properties of a new class of cobaltates with the chemical formula (BaSr)4-xLa2xCo4O15 (x = 0, 0.5 and 1). These compounds crystallize in a hexagonal structure in which cobalt ions are distributed among two distinct crystallographic sites with different oxygen coordination. Three Co-O tetrahedra and one octahedron are linked by shared oxygen atoms to form Co4O15 clusters, which are packed together into a honeycomb-like network. Partial substitution of Sr and/or Ba atoms by La allows one to adjust the degree of Co valence mixing, but all compositions remain subject to a random distribution of charge. Magnetic susceptibility together with neutron scattering measurements reveal that all studied specimens are characterized by competing ferro- and antiferro-magnetic exchange interactions that give rise to a three dimensional Heisenberg spin-glass state. Neutron spectroscopy shows a clear trend of slowing down of spin-dynamics upon increasing La concentration, suggesting a reduction in charge randomness in the doped samples.
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