Tuesday, July 24, 2012

1207.5204 (Nadav Amdursky et al.)

Doping Human Serum Albumin with Retinoate Markedly Enhances Electron
Transport Across the Protein

Nadav Amdursky, Israel Pecht, Mordechai Sheves, David Cahen
Electrons can migrate via proteins over distances that are considered long for non-conjugated systems. Proteins' nano-scale dimensions and the enormous flexibility of their structures and chemistry makes them fascinating subjects for investigating the mechanism of their electron transport (ETp) capacity. One particular attractive research direction is that of tuning their ETp efficiency by doping them with external small molecules. Here we report that solid-state ETp across human serum albumin (HSA) increases by more than two orders of magnitude upon retinoate (RA) binding to HSA. RA was chosen because optical spectroscopy has provided evidence for the non-covalent binding of at least three RA molecules to HSA and indications for their relative structural positions. The temperature dependence of ETp shows that both the activation energy and the distance-decay constant decrease with increasing RA binding to HSA. Furthermore, the observed transition from temperature-activated ETp above 190K to temperature-independent ETp below this temperature suggests a change in the ETp mechanism with temperature.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1207.5204

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