Wednesday, June 27, 2012

1206.6046 (Ziyun Di et al.)

Controlling the emission from semiconductor quantum dots using
ultra-small tunable optical microcavities

Ziyun Di, Helene V. Jones, Philip R. Dolan, Simon M. Fairclough, Matthew B Wincott, Johnny Fill, Gareth M. Hughes, Jason M. Smith
We report the control of spontaneous emission from CdSe/ZnS core-shell quantum dots coupled to novel open-access optical microcavities. The cavities are fabricated by focused ion beam milling, and provide mode volumes less than a cubic micrometre. The quantum dot emission spectrum, spatial modes, and lifetime are all modified substantially by the presence of the cavity, and can be tuned by actively varying the cavity length. An increase in emission rate of 75% is achieved at room temperature, attributed to the Purcell effect in the 'bad emitter' regime. We demonstrate a high degree of control over the emission from the dots, including near single-mode operation and the ability to detect strong emission from individual nanocrystals.
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