Tuesday, February 28, 2012
1202.5636 (Zhijun Wang et al.)
Marginal Fermi Points and Topological Phase Transitions in Dirac
Semimetal $A_3$Bi ($A$=Na, K, Rb) [PDF]
Zhijun Wang, Yan Sun, Xingqiu Chen, Cesare Franchini, Gang Xu, Hongming Weng, Xi Dai, Zhong Fang
1202.5645 (B. Alling et al.)
Effects of configurational disorder on adatom mobilities on TiAlN(001)
surfaces [PDF]
B. Alling, P. Steneteg, C. Tholander, F. Tansnádi, I. Petrov, J. E. Greene, L. Hultman
1202.5709 (M. Bürkle et al.)
Ab-initio study of the thermopower of biphenyl-based single-molecule
junctions [PDF]
M. Bürkle, L. A. Zotti, J. K. Viljas, D. Vonlanthen, A. Mishchenko, T. Wandlowski, M. Mayor, G. Schön, F. Pauly
1202.5712 (Stéphanie Valleau et al.)
Exciton transport in thin-film cyanine dye J-aggregates [PDF]
Stéphanie Valleau, Semion K. Saikin, Man-Hong Yung, Alán Aspuru-Guzik1202.5803 (E. C. Standard et al.)
Magnons and crystal field transitions in hexagonal REMnO3 (RE = Er, Tm,
Yb, Lu) single crystals [PDF]
E. C. Standard, T. Stanislavchuk, A. A. Sirenko, N. Lee, S. -W. Cheong
1202.5874 (Pham Nam Hai et al.)
Crystalline anisotropic magnetoresistance with two-fold and eight-fold
symmetry in (In,Fe)As ferromagnetic semiconductor [PDF]
Pham Nam Hai, Daisuke Sasaki, Le Duc Anh, Masaaki Tanaka
1202.5875 (Victor A. Soltamov et al.)
Room temperature coherent spin-alignment of silicon vacancies in 4H- and
6H-SiC [PDF]
Victor A. Soltamov, Alexandra A. Soltamova, Ivan I. Proskuryakov, Pavel G. Baranov
1202.5898 (Tuhin Maity et al.)
Giant exchange bias in a nanocomposite of BiFeO3-Bi2Fe4O9 [PDF]
Tuhin Maity, Sudipta Goswami, Dipten Bhattacharya, Saibal Roy1202.5916 (V. Ongun Özçelik et al.)
Epitaxial growth mechanisms of graphene and effects of substrates [PDF]
V. Ongun Özçelik, S. Cahangirov, S. Ciraci1202.6030 (Maximilian Amsler et al.)
Prediction of a novel monoclinic carbon allotrope [PDF]
Maximilian Amsler, José A. Flores-Livas, Silvana Botti, Miguel A. L. Marques, Stefan Goedecker1202.6052 (S. D. Carnevale et al.)
Coaxial Nanowire Resonant Tunneling Diodes from non-polar AlN/GaN on
Silicon [PDF]
S. D. Carnevale, C. Marginean, P. J. Phillips, T. F. Kent, A. T. M. G. Sarwar, M. J. Mills, R. C. Myers
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